Ways to Give

Please keep in mind that there are many ways to support the Center, many of which do not involve making an immediate cash gift. For example, you might consider writing the Humanities Center into your estate plans, making a pledge, or transferring stock. We welcome gifts at all levels—every dollar counts.

Make a one-time or recurring gift online

To make a one-time or recurring gift online, please visit: http://pgnet.stanford.edu/goto/HumanitiesCenterGift

Make a gift by check

Checks should be made out to “Stanford University” and mailed to: Stanford Development Services, PO Box 20466, Stanford, CA 94309-0466. Please include a note that your gift is intended for the Stanford Humanities Center.

Make a pledge

A pledge is a formal statement of intention to make a gift in support of the Center. A pledge allows you to stage payments over time and complete the gift on the schedule that is best for you. To make a pledge visit: http://pgnet.stanford.edu/goto/HumanitiesCenterGift

Transfer stock sales

Transferring stock to the Center allows you to support the humanities while realizing tax benefits. A gift of appreciated stock is deductible from your income tax and you avoid the capital gains tax that would result from selling the stock.

Matching gifts

Many employers match charitable gifts made by their employees. Find out if your employer matches charitable contributions, and ask them for a matching gift form to send in with your gift.

Donate Your Honorarium

Humanities Center fellows and friends can support the Center by donating honoraria received for professional services. Fellows, former directors, workshop coordinators, Stanford faculty, or anyone else wanting to support the Center, may allocate fees received for giving lectures, reviewing manuscripts, serving on selection committees, etc., as a donation to the Center. 

Your donation provides essential annual support for the Center's programs and ensures the successful promotion of humanistic research and education at Stanford and around the globe. Donors will be listed in our publications unless they instruct otherwise.

Once you have received your honorarium or fee, you can write a check in that amount and mail it to the Stanford Humanities Center, 424 Santa Teresa Street, Stanford, CA 94305-4015. The check should be made out to “Stanford University” and include a note that it is intended as a donation to the Humanities Center.

Thank you for considering this avenue of support. All questions about donating honoraria should be directed to Susan Sebbard at sebbard@stanford.edu or 650-723-3053.